Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Our Baby

Okay so I just noticed I posted a post about each one of my sisters kids and it's time I posted about mine :) I am just about 13 weeks pregnant. Almost everyone who reads my blog already knows this but here are more of the details. My husband first off is absolutely amazing! He has been to every doctors appointment and has been so sweet to me. He makes sure I don't stress and takes care of almost everything. Knowing that we've created this little baby together has brought us closer than I ever thought we could be. I have actually lost 15 pounds since I have been pregnant. The baby is healthy and I haven't thrown up at all. It was simply form giving up soda and sweets. I crave fruit and juice and feel guilty if I eat food that's bad for me :) my weakness is chocolate covered raisins. I feel like its a good compromise :) I hope I can stay this healthy even after pregnancy. We had two ultrasounds this week and everything looks good :) my due date is 11/6/11 and that hasn't changed. I am however hoping to be late and have the baby on 11/11/11 :) I mean we were married on 7/7/07 so how cute would that be? All my family says I'm stubborn enough to do it. This baby is stubborn too!!! Our doctor (who is absolutely amazing and sweet and nice) tried to see if she could get a good view to tell us what she thinks the baby will be and well the Little baby wouldn't let her get a good view... guess we will have to wait... We got a ton of pictures but here are my two fav...

The baby waving
and then in this one the baby was kicking the top. Those are the baby's little feet at the top kicking, and it's hand waving again.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sleep over!

Okay so my last post was about one of Lisa's kids and now this is another one... So this past Wednesday night when we were at Lisa's for Karly's birthday party I've discovered that Tyler has become a little clingy to me. It cute and I love it, but he's also at the age where he remembers things.... ugh... lol.... so when Garrett and I were leaving he asked him mom if he could go with us. She said no because he had school and Garrett and I had work the next day. So I told him he could spend the night Friday night. Well Friday ended up being a crazy day with people working on our house and then Dad and I had to drive to Antioch to get a car part to fix my car. So I called Lisa and said it wasn't a good night... Tyler called me back 5 minutes later and said "If I cant come to your house tomorrow night, then I will be sad" So Saturday night he spent the night. Garrett had to work so it was a late night. (My car was broke and we had to pick Garrett up at 9:00pm) He was so funny and so entertaining. While Garrett was at work we played the wii, took Buster for a walk to see Grandpa, and played games. Once we picked Garrett up Tyler wanted to play more on the wii with uncle Garrett. Mario Cart of course.

I love this picture you can tell how focused they were and that Tyler was on a turn. By this tile it was about 10:30ish (yeah there is no bedtime at our house lol) Buster however was very ready to go to bed. The second Tyler got up, Bust jumped up and took his spot.

All in all it was a very fun night. Oh and both the house and my car got fixed :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Karly!!!

Three years ago today I was in the delivery room with Lisa and Eric. We were awaiting the birth of little princess Karly. We were playing cards and Lisa decided to not have an epidural... at least she can say she's done it without... after a very long day Karly was born and it was amazing. (For Tyler's birth it was in Vegas and she had both moms in the room. I remember Garrett and I were sitting on the couch at Jimmy's with the phone on speaker so we got to hear Tyler's first cries... )Karly however was different because Lisa would only let me be in the room. Needless to say my eyes were once again filled with tears of joy and I love being able to say I've been here since day one.(I stayed waste up of course lol) For her first birthday I made her cake, but for her second I was extremely sick. For her 3rd I'm under the weather but she requested a pink cake and she was getting it this year. I love her very much and I'm glad she liked her pink birthday cake :)

She was excited to see it................does the closed eyes thing when she says cheese................and is very serious about her cake :)

Happy 3rd Birthday Karly!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Opening Day

Opening Day was Friday... Which meant I had a three day weekend :) It was such a long fun day! My mother-in-law is the best mother-in-law ever. Knowing we would be gone all day she let us drop Buster (our 7 month old boxer who has tons of energy) off to play with their two boxers all day. It was perfect because by the time we got home we ere ready to rest and relax and so was he.

I love that Garrett and I have so much in common and that we get to do so much fun stuff together.

Zach was in charge of the grill and he did a very good job. Everything was perfect. The one thing not on the picture was after all this was cooked Jimmy threw on some Chicken meatballs and oh my goodness they were amazing.
 Our seats were of course nose bleed... but what do you expect for a sold out game? I think that's one of the reasons I love this ballpark is that I haven't sat in a seat I didn't like :) Although I did get kind of spoiled with Garrett's work tickets at Club level.
And this is my new addiction!!! It's Shatter nail polish. You paint your nails with an under color... let them dry and then put this over it. As the black dries it shrinks leaving a shattered look.

I did black and orange for opening day :)

and silver the time before... I don't expect to be a hand model any time soon, but I love the way it turns out. When I showed Tyler the orange and black he thought it was so cool and said it was tiger polish.

So that's kind of all for now... This week is Karly's 3rd Birthday, my Friend Melissa's Easter egg hunt/dessert party. Then next week is My mother-in-laws birthday and Easter. My Father-in-law and I are working on a cake for her... needless to say it will be another one of a kind... and if she doesn't like it... it was all his idea :) but its a cute thought so I am sure she'll love it.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Okay can this year please slow down??? I mean Really it's already APRIL? So the one thing I cant complain about it the weather! It is absolutely gorgeous. Perfect weather to do some yardwork and maybe plant a garden or some new flowers, and of course reclaim the space that the weeds have taken over. We've been staying at my in-laws this past week watching their dogs while they were out of town. So our home is in need of some TLC. I would go ahead and put it off until my next day off....but... Garrett and I already have plans to go to the Giants opening day :) I cant wait! I must admit the tailgate is my favorite part. Right now we are busy planning for July. A lot happens in July. We have our 4 year anniversary, the annual Collins family Tahoe trip, and Relay for Life. Needless to say it's a lot of vacation time that has to be requested off asap :) luckily Garrett and I are both workaholics who never call in sick (even when we are sick) and hardly ever use vacation time so we've got a lot saved up. I think this year has gone so fast because our lives feel like they have been none stop lately. I really wish I could find the time to keep up with my blog more often because a ton has happen but it just seems like there is too much to write about, and a lot of random stuff too :) So on that note I think my ramblings in this post are done. I hope everyone has a great day!!!